What is network transfer pool?

Hey all,

I am a newbie customer on Linode, and i am wondering what is that Network Transfer Pool on the manager page?

Is it the private traffic between linode servers or what? And how does it get increased?

I setup my new linode, and it said %2 is used, and i thought it's because it had to get the image file to install on linode etc.

But now it's %4 and not really sure which things causes that network transfer pool to get increased ?

7 Replies

That's the amount of network bandwidth you've used so far in the current billing cycle. It only counts transfers on the public address. Private network transfers are free.

The total available depends on your plan (e.g., 200GB for a Linode 512). I believe it's pro-rated when you sign-up mid-month, so your first month limit may be lower, and it may also explain why you can see an increase in % used rather quickly. (Unless of course you are actually transferring a lot of data).

The reason it's called a pool on the manager page is that the bandwidth for multiple Linodes is pooled into a single value for your account, and it doesn't matter which Linode actually uses it. For a single Linode, you can ignore that part.

But, for example, if you had three Linode 512's, you'd be permitted 600GB of bandwidth usage each month, but you could use that full amount from just one of the Linodes if you wanted.

– David

ok thanks for explanation.

I think it's 60 gigs because i bought it on the last quarter of the month


ok thanks for explanation.

I think it's 60 gigs because i bought it on the last quarter of the month
Everything is Prorated


I have 2 Linodes in 2 different geographical place.

I can see my Network Transfer Pool is culmulative of both of my Linodes.

What happen if I finish up one of the Linode's network transfer. Is it I'll be additionally charged even my Network Transfer Pool is still available?

Nope, data center doesn't matter. You can use any of your transfer pool (or all of it) from any individual Linode in a single data center if you want/need, even if some of the Linodes contributing to the pool are in different data centers.

Overage charges will only apply once you've transferred more than your total pool size across all Linodes.

– David


That's the amount of network bandwidth you've used so far in the current billing cycle. It only counts transfers on the public address. Private network transfers are free.

The total available depends on your plan (e.g., 200GB for a Linode 512). I believe it's pro-rated when you sign-up mid-month, so your first month limit may be lower, and it may also explain why you can see an increase in % used rather quickly. (Unless of course you are actually transferring a lot of data).

The reason it's called a pool on the manager page is that the bandwidth for multiple Linodes is pooled into a single value for your account, and it doesn't matter which Linode actually uses it. For a single Linode, you can ignore that part.

But, for example, if you had three Linode 512's, you'd be permitted 600GB of bandwidth usage each month, but you could use that full amount from just one of the Linodes if you wanted.

– David

what will happen if i rich my bandwith sir?


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