internet black out

ok i'm desperate for internet entertainment and everything is blacked out to help get rid of pipa/sopa.

entertain me?

8 Replies

Do whatever SOPA would like you shouldn't do.


Do whatever SOPA would like you shouldn't do.

I don't understand what you just said.

I'm sorry, english isn't my first language.

Forget it.

Disable JavaScript, go to Wikipedia, and enjoy the thrills of bypassing censorship.

I've been using the mobile version (… intead of…) instead. Or the French version, since we understand that here in Quebec :P


Disable JavaScript, go to Wikipedia, and enjoy the thrills of bypassing censorship.

Oh the irony of that is beyond awesome…

I prefer appending ?banner=none to the url, that way js still works.

There are some websites that have been crossed out by my ISP. I have to use a proxy. Which isn't so bad except for the net speed. :(


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