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You would sleep better at night if your Linode had more...

As the title says, let's see what Linoders can't get enough of… :)

26 Replies

Outages affecting the web sites my wife browses from her tablet when she can't get to sleep.

tap, tap tap tap, tap, tap tap, tap…


Outages affecting the web sites my wife browses from her tablet when she can't get to sleep.

tap, tap tap tap, tap, tap tap, tap…

LOL @ the above.

But seriously, it seems many more people would rather more storage than RAM. This comes as such a shock to me… :? :shock:

I'd seriously take half the storage and transfer I'm getting for double the RAM. :)

Pie! If every linode came with a free supply of pie's I'd sleep very well (and be very fat)

RAM? Heh…

linode.pts/0% free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           494        374        120          0          7        316
-/+ buffers/cache:         51        443
Swap:          256          9        247

51Mbyte RAM used. I guess I don't run these memory intensive programs kids these days need :-)


I'd seriously take half the storage and transfer I'm getting for double the RAM. :)

Hmm… I think a large part of it is that you can (usually) optimize your configuration/infrastructure to reduce your RAM footprint, but if you need to store x GB of data, you can't get around that.

In other words, running out of RAM is a trivial annoyance; running out of storage is a Problem.

> Hmm… I think a large part of it is that you can (usually) optimize your configuration/infrastructure to reduce your RAM footprint, but if you need to store x GB of data, you can't get around that.

Yeah I get it. My requirement is to serve up pages as fast as possible. Less than 10ms from Drupal is where I am :)

I now realise that the guys with high storage needs have a harder time than me… :twisted:

I like the pie idea, however, I suggest maybe we attempt to make this easier and go for doughnuts.

Something glazed and jelly filled would be nice or perhaps a cream filled chocolate bar.


Did you know, even though the linode.com front page only advertises up to 4GB RAM and 160GB storage, you can actually get linodes all the way up to 20GB RAM and 800GB storage.

Still, it's not the "elastic" type of storage most people who say they want storage really want. They want to be able to add significantly more storage without having to get a bigger linode.


Did you know, even though the linode.com front page only advertises up to 4GB RAM and 160GB storage, you can actually get linodes all the way up to 20GB RAM and 800GB storage.

Still, it's not the "elastic" type of storage most people who say they want storage really want. They want to be able to add significantly more storage without having to get a bigger linode.

Current effective monthly Linode payments: $17/mth

Cost per month of an 800GB Linode: $800/mth

OK, that's my personal linode, our business-side expenses have the backup fee tacked on, but you get the idea.

You're not seriously saying this is a viable option for people who are finding their 20GB linode too small? No problems, just mortgage your house?

Everybody here understands why on-linode storage is expensive; it's fast, and 15K RPM HDDs don't get very large. However, slower cheaper SAN or NAS storage would be appreciated. Our not-for-profit needed more space, but found it far more affordable to build a server, put it in our office, and get a 25 down 10 up VDSL2 line to our office. This was enormously cheaper, unfortunately, than getting extra of space at Linode.


You're not seriously saying this is a viable option for people who are finding their 20GB linode too small? No problems, just mortgage your house?
Live in the CLOUD.

Linode Storage add-on service with cheap NAS/SAN storage that appears as mountable disk space in the Linode Manager?


That being said, more RAM would certainly be appreciated as well as disk space. :)

Personally, I could use a few hundred more CPU cores.



Personally, I could use a few hundred more CPU cores.

What are you doing, searching for primes? :lol:


What are you doing, searching for primes?




You're not seriously saying this is a viable option for people who are finding their 20GB linode too small? No problems, just mortgage your house?.

No, obviously. That's why I said that people who say they want more storage want to be able to add significantly more storage without shelling out for a bigger Linode. I wanted to clarify that in case any Linode person was reading and was like "oh well you can get 800GB, here". Not that it probably needed clarification. And it seems in your case my clarification was misinterpreted.


What are you doing, searching for primes?
He's funding his retirement with Bitcoin mining.

LOL, some things never change. :lol:

maybe linode could come up with some way to have "cheap, slow" storage like blaze storage's pods or something :)

http://blog.backblaze.com/2011/07/20/pe … e-secrets/">http://blog.backblaze.com/2011/07/20/petabytes-on-a-budget-v2-0revealing-more-secrets/


Hmm… I think a large part of it is that you can (usually) optimize your configuration/infrastructure to reduce your RAM footprint, but if you need to store x GB of data, you can't get around that.

Maybe linode can have distro's with btrfs and "compression turned on" so that people can save on disk space…or educate them about the same :P


pvgrub + distro kernel + zfsonlinux + zfs dedupe and compression :P

You'd need a pretty big linode to use zfs, though. It's RAM hungry, and 512MB isn't going to cut it. You can make do with 2GB, but 4+ is preferred. Mitigating factor is the limited amount of space on your linode; you're not talking about a multi-terabyte storage pool like a home server might have. So maybe 2GB of RAM would be enough for ZFS on a linode.


Everybody here understands why on-linode storage is expensive; it's fast, and 15K RPM HDDs don't get very large.

Really? At what tier of linode do the drives get this awesome? My two (512s) are:


Timing cached reads: 11582 MB in 1.99 seconds = 5815.48 MB/sec

Timing buffered disk reads: 248 MB in 3.01 seconds = 82.43 MB/sec




Timing cached reads: 12180 MB in 1.99 seconds = 6116.65 MB/sec

Timing buffered disk reads: 414 MB in 3.01 seconds = 137.37 MB/sec


respectively. Not only is that kinda slow, it's… really really divergent results between the nodes. My (otherwise horrible) HostGator VPS was clocking in at over 350mb/s.

All linodes are on 15K RPM SAS disks. What you're forgetting is that your linode is not the only one running on the box, and that 15K RPM drives don't necessarily have terribly higher sequential throughput (than 7200RPM) since they're spinning faster but with lower density. They're about higher IOPS, not higher throughput.

I can't comment on benchmarks on HostGator. I have no idea what they use for storage.


Pie! If every linode came with a free supply of pie's I'd sleep very well (and be very fat)


I like the pie idea, however, I suggest maybe we attempt to make this easier and go for doughnuts.

Something glazed and jelly filled would be nice or perhaps a cream filled chocolate bar.



+1 pie

~ $ cat /proc/version

> Linux version 3.7.8 (kuzetsa@yurizoku.tk) (gcc version 4.7.2 (Gentoo 4.7.2 p1.2, pie-0.5.5) ) #2 SMP Sat Feb 16 10:38:10 UTC 2013

mine has pie… I'm happy with it :)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Position-i … executable">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Position-independent_executable

This specific pie is related to the hand-compiled kernel I'm running

All joking aside, if one of these things happens, and if my (vote) preferences are really representative, it will mean all linode users get more storage. But then again, this storage increase already happened at least once since this topic was started, hasn't it?

http://blog.linode.com/2012/12/14/stora … sed-by-20/">http://blog.linode.com/2012/12/14/storage-increased-by-20/

Memory. I'm pushed for memory but pretty good on everything else.

Yes I'm answering really late.

peleus: will you please stop necro-posting on really old posts? Thanks.



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