Data Base/ CMS Question

Is it possible to populate an entire CMS with just a stray data base?

I have a situation where I am asked to put a hacked website back together, I have the entire data base of the website which is extensive.

Is there a fast way to populate a CMS or something like it with this data base of articles?

It is a magazine that was online from 2002 - to 2007.

thanks for any insight.


4 Replies

Your answer comes from #linode IRC:

23:54 < linbot> New news from forums: Data Base/ CMS Question in /dev/random <http:"" viewtopic.php?t="8486">
23:55 < EugeneKay> ^^ "yes"</http:>

I suspected as much. I guess if this was a game of Password, like on television, I'd be wondering what the next clue is, besides "yes".

I guess I'd say, "How?"

but I understand these are involved answers. Thanks for the reply!


I hope that database is really complete, and didn't leave out, say, the first six months of articles ("Alex was gonna enter 'em in, but then we got busy, and…"), before they were using a CMS, or that article from 2004 that was so long it made the CMS crash…

And all the images and videos and other extra files.

And remember that the contents of the database could've been compromised when it was 'hacked', with spam links or footers or whatever inserted.

You can import a CSV file into WordPress with this plugin:


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