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Why do you hate RPM?

Hi guys

I'm interested in knowing why lots of people dislike RPMs. So if you rpm-dislikers/haters don't mind: Please visit http://opencurve.org/~sunny/rpm.html and give me some feed back.


Bill Clinton

(aka Sunny Dubey)

5 Replies

The website is timing out, at least from the UK.

I don't hate rpm, but I liked it a lot more after installing apt for rpm, and don't miss it at all after moving to an apt based system.

Website times out for me as well.

I haven't used RPM in years, but last time I did, yum had braindead update mechanisms (it had to download the metadata for every package installed, individually, to tell if any were updated, which took forever due to the latency of making many small requests), and up2date broke frequently (and didn't handle dependencies well when it did work).

The problem isn't necessarily with the package format itself, you don't need much from a package (store the files, know dependencies and version, have some scripts inside), but more with the package managers. I know I've never had good experiences with them. I suspect that's why byrantrv liked RPM a lot better when he moved to using apt to manage his RPMs.


The problem isn't necessarily with the package format itself, you don't need much from a package (store the files, know dependencies and version, have some scripts inside), but more with the package managers. I know I've never had good experiences with them. I suspect that's why byrantrv liked RPM a lot better when he moved to using apt to manage his RPMs.

Exactly. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Necropost – thread is 7 1/2 years old.


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