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Number of processes on your linode?

How many non-kernel processes do you have on your busiest Linode?

9 Replies

Where's the 'I picked one option, but I'm going to emulate another option in the comments' choice?

I think this is a trick question - I see no mention of bitcoins anywhere in the topic.

Darn it I've more than one Linode. So I'll have to go with "all of the above"

But if I login to run that command then I've added sshd, shell and command line processes! This distorts the results!!


Darn it I've more than one Linode. So I'll have to go with "all of the above"

i have 4 processors on my linode

(i'm dyslexic)

43 and 39 here. Kind of surprised my two systems were so close; I guess the fact that the first one has several mailman processes that stick around is balanced by the second one getting more web traffic (Apache prefork).

Of course in ten years when all functionality has been integrated into systemd, people will marvel that the number ever climbed above single digits.



Darn it I've more than one Linode. So I'll have to go with "all of the above"
Ooops shouldn't have read that after a few beers…


43 and 39 here. Kind of surprised my two systems were so close; I guess the fact that the first one has several mailman processes that stick around is balanced by the second one getting more web traffic (Apache prefork).

Of course in ten years when all functionality has been integrated into systemd, people will marvel that the number ever climbed above single digits.

I always thought I had a lot on my mailer+webserver and was also surprised that it was only 43.

I'm running ubuntu 12.04 with upstart on that machine.


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