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Longview - Firewall

Loving Longview so far :)

Just thought I'd share firewall config; from what I can gather in the source code, the only firewall holes required is TCP port 443 to longview.linode.com

iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -d longview.linode.com -j ACCEPT

Or an appropriate variation of the above in the FORWARD chain on a perimeter firewall if you have one of them like I do.

4 Replies

Thanks for contributing! I'll see about adding it to our guide (http://library.linode.com/longview) in case others run into the same thing! :D

You're welcome… I gotta be good for something other than being a pretty face (I'm not very good at that either though)

That iptables rule looks up longview.linode.com once and stores the IPs (or just one of them?). You're out of luck if the IP changes.


That iptables rule looks up longview.linode.com once and stores the IPs (or just one of them?). You're out of luck if the IP changes.
Correct; just like any other iptables rule. You're no better off using the IP address(es) instead of the hostname, and I'm not going to make 443 wide-open. You can if you like.


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