Linode CLI (developer release #4)

Linode CLI (developer release #4)

A command line tool for interacting with your Linode services.

This is our fourth early developer release of a command line tool we're working on that will eventually allow you to interact with all Linode services.

Thanks for checking Linode CLI out! We hope you are enjoying it so far because we are having fun making it!

We encourage your feedback, as it is always welcome and it helps shape the design.

What's new in this release?
* Ability to display information about your account.

  • Improved help, that will show help and usage specific to the action provided.

  • Output now honors your display group preferences.

  • Prettier output for the list command.

  • Plans can now be specified easily, using linode1024, linode2048, etc.

  • Improved configuration file handling, that will now load every command option.

New examples

You can now see details about your Linode account.

$ linode account show

Plans can now be entered using easy-to-remember plan names (linode1024, linode2048, linode4096, …).

This example resizes a Linode 1024 to a Linode 2048.

$ linode resize mylinode linode2048

Help improved. Find out exactly what you need to know about the action you need to run.

$ linode create --help

How to get it

It's hosted on GitHub and is open source, dual licensed under the GPLv2 and the Perl Artistic License. This is a developer release, so for now, you may need to install dependencies manually depending on your system, described in the README. <– right-hand side are the download options



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