Linode CLI (developer release #10)

Linode CLI (Developer Release #10)

The Linode CLI is the command line tool for interacting with your Linode services.

This is our tenth early developer release of our command line tool. We're working toward a tool that will eventually allow you to interact with all Linode services.

Please help us make Linode CLI even more awesome by sending us your feedback and ideas. It is our goal to shape the tool to meet your needs.

Everyone here at Linode would like to wish you a safe and Happy New Year!

What's New in This Release?
* Improved label handling that now includes matching capability.

  • Added a customizable wait timeout option for linode create, start, stop, restart, and resize.

New Examples

Performing left, right, and partial matches:

$ linode list backend* fontend1
$ linode domain list example.*
$ linode show *dev*
$ linode domain show *

How to Get the Source

Linode CLI is hosted on GitHub and is open source, dual-licensed under the GPLv2 and the Perl Artistic License. This is a developer release, so for now, depending on your system, you may need to install dependencies manually as described in the README. <– download options on the right-hand side



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