NodeBalancer backend selection

You know, if not too difficult to do, it would be convenient if, when adding nodes to a balancer, there was a drop-down or some other approach to select one of the existing Linodes on the balancer's account, and automatically use it's private address. I find myself either logging in to the nodes to check or bouncing between manager pages, whereas the Linode Manager already knows that information.

I suppose to simplify the handling of a selection, separating the host and port into two separate fields (so not manually entering them with a colon separator) might be easier.

– David

3 Replies

As a first stab, the input field now auto-suggests the private IPs of Linodes you have access to from within the account. Not perfect, but a step in the right direction…


Hmm, yeah, I guess the problem is that there's no indication of just which node an address goes with, so not sure it would save me looking things up. But I agree other approaches would be a bigger UI change.

– David


As a first stab, the input field now auto-suggests the private IPs of Linodes you have access to from within the account. Not perfect, but a step in the right direction…


fwiw, this is more useful to me than a drop-down list. A drop-down is annoying to parse visually. I like this solution much better.

Even better would be if the auto-suggest was filtered by the linode label I entered in the previous text field.


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