Upstart /etc/init mysql.conf - manual vs automatic startup

I have two nodes initially configured as LAMP nodes. The first node is now a web server only and the second is a database server and mail server only. Both nodes are Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

My question is now that I have MySQL running on node two as a remote database server (via private IP), how do I prevent MySQL on node one from starting up during boot? I don't want to uninstall MySQL on node one and I don't want to make other drastic changes in case I want to bring up MySQL again on node one.

If MySQL was part of the traditional runlevels I could just update-rc.d mysql disable but when I do that now I get update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/mysql missing LSB information update-rc.d: see <http:"" lsbinitscripts="">System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/mysql do not exist.</http:>

Investigating I find a "mysql.conf" in /etc/init. However there is a link "mysql -> /lib/init/upstart-job" in /etc/init.d, so I'm confused.

Do I edit /etc/init/mysql.conf or remove it? And if I edit it, what do I comment out or put in its place?

Or can I just remove the link in /etc/init.d to prevent startup during boot and leave mysql.conf alone?

2 Replies

Unfortunately, update-rc.d doesn't know how to handle Upstart's files so it doesn't work for disabling things. If you're on Lucid, I think you can simply rename /etc/init/mysql.conf to /etc/init/mysql.conf.disabled. If you're on an earlier Ubuntu I think the only non-destructive way to disable jobs in /etc/init is to create an /etc/init.disabled directory and move them there.


Yeah, I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx).

I'll try the rename to .disabled as you suggested, thanks!


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