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dovecot 2.x configuration

Is there anyone here familiar with Dovecot 2.x configuration and wants to help me out?

I have found a great guide here http://workaround.org/ispmail/squeeze/s … up-dovecot">http://workaround.org/ispmail/squeeze/setting-up-dovecot

However the guide talks about dovecot 1.x configuration and the configuration files are different in 2.x.

Can someone translate this 1.x configuration instructions to 2.x please?

Thank you…

3 Replies


I need more than that unfortunately.


I need more than that unfortunately.

Did you try running doveconf? It should show you what changes are to be done to your 1.x config file(s).

Also, what exactly is the problem? Your config files are probably very well commented and there are also docs and sane default settings.


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