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Self-hosted Pastebin like web app?

I see that linode has it's own pastebin… from apparently the original author. Kinda cool.

I am looking for a self hosted version of something like it (the linode one is nice and simple compared to what the actual pastebin.com site has become).

I need it self-hosted so that I can control content and access. Most likely would need to modify it to add some control over who can actually paste stuff into it as I don't want anyone to be able to.

Decent formatting of code etc… good code display (have seen some clones that output the HTML as html which looks really bad and not what is wanted).

I've looked at quite a few already, and none quite fit the bill.

5 Replies



Currently looking at: https://github.com/claudehohl/Stikked

I have "hacked" an authcode into the paste form. Never messed with CodeIgniter before, so I have it work okay. Errors okay when the authcode is not set, but returns the user to a blank form.

Hastebin seems far superior to anything else I have seen. All open source.




whichever one you pick, create a separate domain for it that nothing else uses, ie paste.mydomain.com rather than mydomain.com/paste

I reckon writing a secure pastbin would require a lot of security experience, and even the best make mistakes.


I reckon writing a secure pastbin would require a lot of security experience, and even the best make mistakes.

Like any other web app, or are you suggesting some other security requirements?


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