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Error setting up postfix: "Requires: libcurl.so.3"


I'm trying to set-up a mail server on our Linux on a Linode (with CentOS 6.0 installed) and I am following the instructions here:

http://www.howtoforge.com/virtual-users … 6.2-x86_64">http://www.howtoforge.com/virtual-users-and-domains-with-postfix-courier-mysql-and-squirrelmail-centos-6.2-x86_64

The server will handle mails for multiple domains (Apache virtual hosts have already been created).

However, when I get to the step in which I issue the command

yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' I get the following error message:

Error: Package: git-1.7.10-1.el5.rf.i386 (rpmforge)

Requires: libcurl.so.3

How can I resolve this?

Any helpful suggestions will be appreciated.


4 Replies

You appear to be attempting to install a CentOS 5 package on a CentOS 6 system. My guess would be you enabled the wrong repository.

Thanks @Guzpaz,

but how do you "roll back"..or disable the repository that was enabled in Linux?

I'm not a CentOS user (I stick to Ubuntu and Debian), so I'm afraid I can't help you with that. I just noticed that the package you're trying to install is for "el5" and not "el6" :)

Nice pick up Guspaz! I didnt see the el5 and was scratching my head for a while. I have the exact same issue. Now sure if OP has solved this or not, but for those who stumble to this page (it was top in google search for me), you can change the repo for RHEL/CENTOS 5 to 6 in /etc/yum.repos.d

For me, I was running Centos 6.2 (cat /etc/redhat-release to find yours) and for some silly reason all my repos were for 5!!

Anyway, a quick bit of code to fix this up is below. It simply replaces el5 for el6 in all the files in that dir. Make sure you run it in /etc/yum.repos.d

for FILE in *; do mv $FILE $FILE.old; sed 's/el5/el6/g' $FILE.old > $FILE; done

Once done you can remove the *.old files if you dont need them as backups.


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