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Disk Size

is it possible to buy more disk space?

3 Replies

You would need to purchase a plan with more storage in order to acquire more, but we're currently working on getting a beta for block storage out in the coming months. Keep your eyes peeled for any news!

Any further updates on increased disc size and pricing formats?

I don't need it now but may in a couple of months. so I'm curious on sizes and pricing and if you can increase and decrease on the fly like you can your cpu/ram packages.

I've got the linode 8gb which is working great. Being a nerd I wish I could afford the 12 but i'm still unemployed and my wife would slice something of value off.

I'm just concerned at where I am in my 2 websites with under 100gb hard drive. So I'm hoping there's going to be a sliding scale of size and cost.

Do you guys have a planned pricing structure in mind yet. Like for instance an additional 50GB?

90 wouldn't be so bad but I need to leave something off to reload a snapshot. Being new to Plesk I know I'm going to screw something up and have to reload my snapshot sooner or later so when I start getting to 70GB range I'm going to start sweating it. I'm only at 35 right now but that's just the OS/Plesk and a fancy slider plugin no content or images yet. I haven't even started my wife's website yet :-)

Also interested in an update/ETA on block storage. I find myself having to look elsewhere for the first time in many years because I am starting a new project requiring 200TB storage (SSD not necessary). I have been a very happy customer of Linode, and will remain a customer for other projects, but I wish I could make this work at Linode.


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