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Attacks from AWS servers

Once in a while I get a bunch of visits at at the same time and it bogs down my server. They are all coming from amazon aws servers which probably means they are bots. What is the best way to block these.


3 Replies

What's the point? The traffic would still be spent. You can look up the allocations on this AS and block it with e.g. iptables.


What's the point? The traffic would still be spent. You can look up the allocations on this AS and block it with e.g. iptables.

So how and where do I do this?

Are these unsuccessful connection attempts to some services you run? If so install configure fail2ban as an easy way of dynamically blocking those.

By the way If you don't even know how to block an ip using iptables, I suspect your server setup may be insecure in many ways. Get some professional help. Don't get me wrong, this is just a friendly advice.


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