Custom distro


So been following this how-to: … stro-howto">

So I did all of this on virtual box here on my local laptop. But I'm a bit lost once I jump over to the end, where I need to send it over to my target linode…. Reading this link: it seems to imply the way its written that I am sshing from one linode to another linode to transfer the disk image, rather than from my laptop to a target linode. The way its written the "receiving machine" is a linode in recovery mode, logged in w/ finnix, and its receiving it from another linode that I run virtual box on?

Maybe I am mis-reading this sentance? Locally means my laptop here?… or another linode w/ an X environment….

"We'll use a free virtualization suite called VirtualBox to install a Linux distribution locally"

3 Replies

Disclaimer: I've never done this so I'm not 100% sure either -

Whether it's a Linode or a local (VirtualBox) machine doesn't really matter. In your case, you need to create a new disk image on your linode. That disk image will hold the dd of your virtualbox. Then boot the Linode into rescue mode and use SSH/scp to copy the dd image to the newly create disk image on the Linode.

Ok so locally on my laptop I have a virtual box VDI machine image of Ubuntu 14.04 w/ an encrypted disk. (i.e. when I boot it it prompts me for a pw to decrypt the disk and then ubuntu boots)

So I'm looking for some help on how I can get a copy of this image up to my linode.

So I'm going to need to run the following on my laptop, while logged into the vbox maching booted into finnix?

dd if=/dev/ | dd of=/root/myCustom.img

So if I boot to finnix on myvbox machine and do a "fdisk -l"

I get






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