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IP address problem.

I tried to crate a Tokyo 2, JP VPS today, but I kept getting a VPS which IP address located in Singapore. I Really need a Japan IP address for verifying so is there any way I can get a JP IP vps?

2 Replies


I tried to crate a Tokyo 2, JP VPS today, but I kept getting a VPS which IP address located in Singapore. I Really need a Japan IP address for verifying so is there any way I can get a JP IP vps?

There's already another thread about this. Geolocation of IPs isn't a reliable way to determine country. If you're having some kind of issue where someone else is using geolocation, I'd suggest you open a support ticket and see what linode might be able to do to help.

My Tokyo2 IP address isn't in Japan either according to geoip, but ping tests, traceroute etc. indicate that it is indeed in Japan, whatever the geoip database says. But of course it would be nice if Linode could get those databases updated.


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