Installing APC on Ubuntu 10.04

I have Apache installed on my Ubuntu 10.04 box. I am having OOMing issues, and am trying to install APC. What's the best way to install and configure APC for Apache?


7 Replies

apt-get -y install php-apc that's all you need to install apc.

However installing apc won't make your OOM problems go away if anything it'll make them worse.

Your OOM is probably due to max clients, search the forums for "max clients" you'll find tons of posts about tuning it.


However installing apc won't make your OOM problems go away if anything it'll make them worse.

Your OOM is probably due to max clients, search the forums for "max clients" you'll find tons of posts about tuning it.

Can we all agree to rename this problem "Memory, Out Of"?


I think we should rename "Memory" to "War". Then when there's a OOM post we can all sing: "War, UGGH, What is it Good for?" and do the Chris Tucker Jackie Chan ninja dance.

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Haha I agree - I have reduced my MaxClients to 20 and reduced KeepActiveTimeout to 2, which has improved my OOM problems. While reading through all the discussions on performance, though, I've taken an interest in making my box even better, and since I'm running nothing but WordPress instances, it sounds like APC is the way to go. Agree/disagree?

I also agree that the OOM MaxClients issue should be written about in the Linode docs – it's probably one of the major issues that all Linode n00bs have.


I also agree that the OOM MaxClients issue should be written about in the Linode docs – it's probably one of the major issues that all Linode n00bs have.

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After tweaking Apache2 for a long time, I finally gave up on it. I can avoid OOM errors but there are still consistent performance issues.

I switched to nginx.

The performance difference is day and night. Not only my wordpress site becomes more responsive, but also I have not seen any OOM errors. The Swap IO is the best thing I saw improved. The system barely swaps now.

My suggestion is to try Nginx.



Haha I agree - I have reduced my MaxClients to 20 and reduced KeepActiveTimeout to 2, which has improved my OOM problems. While reading through all the discussions on performance, though, I've taken an interest in making my box even better, and since I'm running nothing but WordPress instances, it sounds like APC is the way to go. Agree/disagree?

I also agree that the OOM MaxClients issue should be written about in the Linode docs – it's probably one of the major issues that all Linode n00bs have.

Thanks Max. I'll try that.


My suggestion is to try Nginx.


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